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About Us

Welcome To MelonMas

Ever wonder why we choose to grow our melons through Greenhouse Hydroponic System even though it is not the cheapest option?
It is because hydroponic greenhouse overcomes some of the challenges faced by traditional farmers and at the same time, provides better harvest quality for consumption. A hydroponic greenhouse can create a microclimate for the plants.  They aren’t at the mercy of pests and don’t need the use of a wide variety of insecticides. Plants can be grown year-round in a better-controlled environment.  
Do you know the #MelonMas Greenhouse Hydroponics Melon don’t grow by soil but by liquid nutrient solution as the name suggested?
Hydroponics systems practice soil-less cultivation, in which the mineral nutrient solution is essential of where the plants obtain their nutrients. As different fruits have different needs for minerals, it is important to ensure that the combination of mineral nutrient solution is right for the melons! A well-maintained hydroponics system will generally produce a high amount of fruit yields, take up less space, and is less likely to have insect, pests, and diseases. 
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Why Choose MelonMas?

Cause We Qualified

When it comes to melons, It’s nutritious, delicious, and versatile. 


Being in a nutritional balance means that you consume just the right amount of calories, macronutrients, and micronutrients.


Customer satisfaction doesn’t just impact the business’ bottom line, it also impacts team morale and retention rate.


It’s about making every customer interaction as pleasant and smooth as possible by caring about them as humans and not just customers.


Legally, food labeled “natural” does not contain any artificial ingredients, coloring ingredients, or chemical preservatives. Sounds good. Or does it?

Become A Partner

The partnership is crucial to the growth of any business venture. Merchants and traders from time immemorial have made use of the principle of a strategic partnership to conduct their businesses; the trend is still very much applicable today. A partnership manifests itself in different forms, ranging from business owners cooperating to invest in a project to share technical knowledge and ideas between firms. Whatever any business does, it is important to look for the right partnership agreement that benefits both parties.

Work With Us

Everyone wants to feel a sense of pride when they talk about their work and feel truly happy with the path they are on. You don’t have to be a huge firm like Google to make a change in the world. Small companies can produce amazing work too, and make a difference in the lives that they touch. Being a part of something exciting is one of the biggest appeals for a candidate looking to join a company