The Finest Melon, Only For You

Either melon is a great choice, as both are low in calories and full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 


About Us

One of the biggest advantages of #MelonMas is we grow our melons through the Greenhouse Hydroponic Farming system! It gives us better control over nutrients, hydration, and all other aspects of the growing process. A greenhouse Hydroponic Farming system can substantially reduce the pollution of water resources while contributing to a reduction in water consumption.

At the same time, improving the consumption of nutritional value and the growth of the crops. Also, the melons that are being harvested are so fresh that you can consume them directly!  #MelonMasMalaysia

Why Choose MelonMas ?

Cause We Qualified

When it comes to melons, It’s nutritious, delicious, and versatile. 

Nutrition Balanced

Being in a nutritional balance means that you consume just the right amount of calories, macronutrients and micronutrients .

Satisfied Customer

Customer satisfaction doesn’t just impact the business’ bottom line, it also impacts team morale and retention rate.

Friendly Customer

 It’s about making every customer interaction as pleasant and smooth as possible by caring about them as humans and not just customers.

From Natural Fruit

Legally, food labeled “natural” does not contain any artificial ingredients, coloring ingredients, or chemical preservatives. Sounds good. Or does it?

Featured Product

Pick Your Favourite

People have their favorites when it comes to melon, and each variety of melon contains some great nutritional properties. 


Royal Jade

Royal Jade, as her name suggested, she is born like a royal queen, the emerald-colored flesh is sweet but not greasy, makes every bite of it refreshing and irresistible. True love at first sight! #RoyalJade. 


Sunrise Gold

Like the rising sun in the early morning, the place where the sun shines is like a golden field. That’s how [Sunrise Gold] is named. The golden skin is a symbol of vitality, its yellow flesh has a crisp yet juicy texture and subtly sweet aroma of melon, which are particular traits of our #SunriseGold

Have taken a few boxes today?

Remember to follow us and stay tuned to our official Facebook & Instagram page for our next harvest announcement and more interesting updates!


What Inside MelonMas ?

Melonmas is low in calories & fat, high fiber.

Melonmas makes you feel full faster!


Vitamin C

Vitamin A



Vitamin B6

Become A Partner

The partnership is crucial to the growth of any business venture. Merchants and traders from time immemorial have made use of the principle of a strategic partnership to conduct their businesses; the trend is still very much applicable today. A partnership manifests itself in different forms, ranging from business owners cooperating to invest in a project to share technical knowledge and ideas between firms. Whatever any business does, it is important to look for the right partnership agreement that benefits both parties.

Work With Us

Everyone wants to feel a sense of pride when they talk about their work and feel truly happy with the path they are on. You don’t have to be a huge firm like Google to make a change in the world. Small companies can produce amazing work too, and make a difference in the lives that they touch. Being a part of something exciting is one of the biggest appeals for a candidate looking to join a company